I’m turning 71 and I have to what with my RRSP?
Listen to our podcast with Ines Iraoui.
Retirement & Estate Planning
2023 Outlook: The Seventh Inning Stretch
Watch our latest Client Insights webinar.
Markets & Investing

Online security, protecting your online information
Listen to our podcast with Dave Iverson.
Life Events, Lifestyle & Technology
Save taxes by donating securities "in kind"
When people make plans to support charitable causes, most focus on the amount of the gift — but how you donate matters, too.
Tax Planning
Quarterly Asset Allocation
It’s usually during the seventh inning stretch when baseball fans rise and sing along to the unofficial anthem of North American baseball “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”.
Markets & Investing

The Season of Giving: Why Having an Estate Plan is a Gift to Others
The holiday season is a time when most of us enjoy time with our family.
Retirement & Estate Planning

Get an Insurance Checkup
You probably have your car tuned up regularly, and you see your doctor at least once a year for a routine checkup.
Life Events, Lifestyle & Technology

U.S. Donations Made by a Canadian
With Canada and the U.S. sharing such a close relationship in many
aspects of our daily lives, undoubtedly many Canadians would
have personal and professional ties to our American neighbour.
Tax Planning
Gift Giving
The idea of giving something of value to people you care about during Christmas, birthdays, wedding anniversaries or any other special
occasion is universal.
Life Events, Lifestyle & Technology
Year-End Gift Planning – Are you considering a donor advised fund (DAF)?
A donor advised fund is a simple and cost-effective alternative to establishing your own private foundation.
Tax Planning
Insights and Strategies
It’s usually at this time of year when many of us begin to reflect on the past year and start to put together a list of new goals/desired behaviours for the upcoming one.
Markets & Investing