Young Investors
Investing at a young age is a smart decision. We can help you reach your goals, no matter how big or small they may be.
Your life is busy enough juggling school, relationships, and your career, but it’s just as important you prioritize becoming an educated and confident investor. As a young Canadian, what are your financial goals? Do you have a financial strategy in place to achieve your short- and long-term plans?
It’s never too early to start investing, and when it comes to reaching your financial goals, the earlier the better. Ask yourself: What are you hoping to achieve in the next five years? 10 years? 20 years? Whether you’re planning to continue pursuing your education, put a down payment on your very first home, or have kids, everything comes with a price. This is why developing a financial strategy to suit your individual plans should be top of mind when you’re in your 20s and 30s.
News & resources

Important financial considerations for single parents

Weave more of what you love into everyday life

Relaunching your career with a returnship

How to project confidence at your next public speaking gig

Full hands, full hearts: becoming a caregiver

Double the inheritance, double the planning

Wise Words From Six Wildly Successful Women

Emergency Savings Calculator
Helping women investors make the most of all life has to offer
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