Sophisticated wealth management

Professional Athletes

You may have a skills coach, a strength coach, a video coach, a head coach, and assistant coaches. Our clients look at us as their financial advisors and their financial coach.

We will invest your money and send you monthly reports, but our service won’t stop there. We will take the time to explain your portfolio investments in a way you’ll understand, and as we go along, we’ll make sure you understand how your portfolio’s value changes and why. Education and improving your financial knowledge are vital objectives of our team in dealing with professional athletes. The many stories of athletes losing significant portions of their savings to unscrupulous people with grand promises do not sit well with us. Our mantra is ‘keep it simple and keep it safe’ for our clients. We will teach you how to manage your savings accordingly.

Your career may often take you across borders. Luckily, we are able to service clients on both sides of the border, in both Canadian and American currency. One financial advisor and one ever-evolving financial plan regardless of where you are living is a compelling offer of consistency throughout your career.