Tiffany Woodfield SWAN Wealth Management
Senior Financial Advisor, Associate Portfolio Manager

Tiffany is an Associate Portfolio Manager at Raymond James, SWAN Wealth Management. Tiffany is a co-founder of SWAN Wealth Management, together with her husband John. They’ve created a unique wealth management team that focuses on helping people with investments in Canada and the US. Many of Tiffany’s clients are going through significant life changes as they move across the border. She helps them gain clarity while providing guidance to ensure their wealth is protected. Tiffany’s interests include exploring growth mindset and how our beliefs about money affect our lives. Education is one of Tiffany’s lifelong passions, she brings this drive to learn and grow into her business and personal life. Tiffany balances running a business with spending quality time with her family and going on the occasional epic adventure like Kilimanjaro or completing a triathlon.