Why Choose Us

Our clients choose us for our intelligent approach to managing wealth:

Our Consultation Process

Our commitment to you does not end there. Here are just a few of the things we do for you during the year:

  • Regular communication
  • Investment review
  • Outside account review
  • Tax season assistance
  • Spending/savings goals & cash flow planning
  • Net worth statement/debt analysis
  • Retirement analysis/income planning
  • Estate planning review
  • Beneficiary review
  • Insurance review – life, disability, long-term care, etc
  • Education planning
  • Tax planning (including charitable gift planning, review of gains/losses)
  • Employer benefits/executive compensation review
  • Comprehensive reporting – monthly statements, quarterly reports, annual tax packages
  • Special client events & educational seminars
  • 24/7 online access with real-time portfolio updates
  • Team availability