Kim Macdonald

Kim MacDonald,

CIM®, CFP®, PFP, FCSI, CFDS, CDFA Financial Advisor
Financial Planner
Insurance Advisor

Kim MacDonald is a Financial Advisor and Insurance Advisor dedicated to providing clients with comprehensive wealth management to help them make the most of their lives.

She started in the financial services in 2005 at the age of 25 with a reputable bank owned investment firm in Edmonton and she worked under the tutelage of one of the most experienced Financial Advisors in Canada.

The Types of Clients we Attract

Kim partners with a select group of individuals, families, not-for-profits, and business owners to invest their earnings, work through robust planning and insure for life's surprises.

Everyone comes to Kim with a different story and set of experiences in life but they all have one thing in common: they are all extremely busy people who benefit from a professional keeping them on track, providing the most accurate and unbiased advice and coordinating their financial affairs.

Everyone works through topics that are relevant to them.

The areas explored include:

  • Tax planning
  • Financial planning
  • Retirement planning
  • Estate planning and preservation solutions
  • Education planning
  • Divorce planning
  • Debt planning
  • Protecting against death
  • Protecting against illness
  • Protecting against disability
  • Covering business overhead costs when disabled
  • Protecting your company from key person risk
  • Travel insurance
  • Group retirement
  • Group benefit plans
  • Investment portfolio review and construction.

We provide a comfortable environment for clients to open up to us about life's challenges and we are focused on delivering clear and logical steps to address all areas that are important to our clients. Kim is acutely aware that clients want logical solutions with measurable results that position them towards their goals.


When Kim meets with new clients, she has a three meeting process followed up with a predictable communication plan year in and year out.

The first meeting is a no pressure/no commitment/no cost sit down to talk about what is important to the people we are meeting with. If our style, services and products meet expectations and a good-natured relationship starts to form then we proceed to a second meeting. (1 hour)

The second meeting is an interactive planning setting. At this point, we have already received client information to build out their current financial position and with the clients beside us, we work together to see how different decisions impact future outcomes. It takes time to get comfortable with the process and see, with clarity, what decisions need to be made going forward. (1.5 hours)

The third meeting is an introduction to finance and investing. By this time, the clients’ accounts have transferred over to Raymond James Ltd. and we work together to invest client money in a way they understand and are comfortable with. This always includes an understanding of the products we select, the fees that clients are comfortable with and, most importantly with a risk objective that we decided upon together. (1 hour)


Kim has spent a good deal of time writing industry exams.
Licensing: Securities | Insurance | Options

The Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®) designation is a leading industry standard for discretionary investment and portfolio management services. It ensures that our advice on investing stands out against our peers.

The Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®) certification is the world’s most recognized financial planning designation and is considered the ‘gold standard’ for the profession. CFP professionals have demonstrated the knowledge, skills, experience, and ethics to examine their clients’ entire financial picture, at the highest level of complexity required of the profession.

The Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI®) is the highest honour and most senior credential in Canadian financial services. It is reserved solely for an elite group of experienced financial services professionals that meet the highest standards for advanced education, ethical conduct, industry experience and peer endorsement.

The Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation is a leading credential for comprehensive financial planning in Canada, recognized by Canada's largest financial institutions. It ensures that financial professionals have the knowledge and skills to address all aspects of a client's financial situation.

The Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist (CFDS) provides an objective assessment of different divorce scenarios around child and spousal support, cash flow and budgeting, insurance and taxation. There is no legal opinion or advice offered, it is strictly a divorce financial planning relationship. A CFDS follows a strict code of ethics as monitored by the Academy of Financial Divorce Specialists and other relevant licensing authorities.

The Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®) helps both client and lawyer understand how the financial decisions made today will impact the client’s financial future, based on certain assumptions. The focus is on identifying the short-term and long-term effects of dividing property, integrating tax issues, analyzing pension and retirement plan issues, determining if the client can afford the matrimonial home – and if not, what might be an affordable alternative, evaluating the client’s insurance needs, establishing assumptions for projecting inflation and rates of return, bringing an innovative and creative approach to settling cases.

Kim is a Registered Collaborative Professional with the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the Association of Collaborative Family Professionals (Edmonton) and has exceeded the requirements for advanced practitioner level in the Association for Conflict Resolution. As a collaborative professional, Kim can be invited into Collaborative Practice to work with family lawyers as a financial neutral or she can act outside of the process in the capacity of divorce financial planner.

Meeting Style

Kim has a warm and open approach with clients. Her tilt towards educating clients creates an environment of trust and understanding.

She knows that her clients’ lives intersect with money at every turn. When clients have a trusted professional they can turn to when difficult decisions present themselves, they can be confident making really tough decisions.

Any Advisor can build a relationship with their client but it is the quality of the relationship and the depth of discussions we have that set the tone for how different we are.

When people put their trust in us, we aim VERY high.

The Chartered Investment Manager® (CIM®) Designation builds the skills and experience we need to serve a more sophisticated financial client or institution. Financial professionals who hold the CIM® designation are eligible for registration as a Portfolio Manager in Canada. They have expertise in providing money management services to high-net-worth and institutional clients, and they understand the application of portfolio management in the context of Canadian markets and regulatory requirements

What do these designations mean for you? They mean that when you work with an investment consultant who has taken the time to complete these designations, you’re working with someone who is well-versed in modern concepts of investment advice, is educated enough to understand how your individual investments are being managed and how they work together – no matter how complex it may be. These skills, along with a commitment to advanced education, enable them to provide you with the kind of service that you not only want, but deserve.

The most widely recognized financial planning designation in Canada and worldwide, the Certified Financial Planner® designation provides assurance to Canadians that the design of their financial future rests with a professional who will put their clients’ interests ahead of their own. CFP certification is considered the standard for the financial planning profession worldwide. CFP professionals have demonstrated the knowledge, skills, experience and ethics to examine their clients’ entire financial picture, at the highest level of complexity required of the profession, and work with their clients to build a financial plan so that they can Live Life Confidently.

The Fellow of CSI (FCSI®) is the pinnacle financial services credential and the highest honour in Canadian financial services. It is reserved for an exclusive group of financial professionals who demonstrate unparalleled leadership, integrity, commitment and dedication to their clients and industry.