A WELL-ORDERED PROCESS for personalizing your plan

The Unique Discovery

A Retirement without Compromise

  • When can it start?
  • How much will I need when I am done playing to maintain a comfortable lifestyle?
  • Where will it come from?
  • Will I have residency issues with my portfolio?

A Lifestyle That Suits You

  • Planning for short-term cash needs
  • Planning for long-term cash needs
  • Protecting assets and income

Financial Interaction with Children

  • Helping them with college and other life events
  • Ensuring your legacy is handled with care.

These are just some of the issues we will cover with you on an ongoing basis in order to build a comprehensive plan for achieving your goals.

The renowned philosopher, Yogi Berra, once said, “If you don't know where you are going, you might end up somewhere else!” Successful investment and financial planning decisions can only be made in the framework of who you are, what point of your career are you in, where do you want to reside when you no longer play and how do you want to get there. We discover together what is unique about your financial personality through the quality of conversations we have with you, the depth of questions we ask about what's important to you, and analysis of your playing career we undertake. Here are some things we help you figure out: