Insights and Strategies
Do U.S. Elections Affect Canadian Markets?
Markets & Investing
The Family Cottage
What to consider in your succession plan for the Family cottage.
Retirement & Estate Planning
Insights and Strategies
Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.
Markets & Investing
Advisor Impersonation Warning
Many scams and fraudulent activities attempt to imitate investment dealers or financial advisors to gain access to your personal and financial information.
Life Events, Lifestyle & Technology
Empowering Women Investors
Discover how our financial advisors help women reshape the landscape of investing and achieve financial security, prosperity and wellbeing.
Life Events, Lifestyle & Technology
Insights and Strategies
Is It Time to Broaden Our Focus?
Markets & Investing
5 Reasons Why Financial Planning Is Key to Reaching Your Goals
Navigate your way to financial prosperity with comprehensive financial planning.
Life Events, Lifestyle & Technology
July 2024: Rate Easing Cycle Kicks off in Canada, with U.S. to Follow Soon
As we settle into summer, we are relieved to have started into an interest rate easing cycle, at least in Canada.
Markets & Investing
Implications of Selling Canadian Real Estate as a Non-Resident of Canada
This article has been updated to reflect a few key changes following the April 16, 2024, Federal Budget.
Tax Planning
Update to Capital Gains Inclusion Rates
On June 10, 2024, the government tabled a Notice of Ways and Means Motion (NWMM) that contained the much-anticipated tax legislation outlining the changes to capital gains inclusion rates (CGIR).
Tax Planning
Insights and Strategies
Connecting the Dots on the Productivity Problem
Markets & Investing